Film Trailer Analysis


Analysis of the film trailers

The Big Sick

The trailer immediately starts with the stereotypes that young people are promiscuous by showing two young people getting together, who are clearly strangers. The trailer shows the usual conventions of a man and women falling in love, it also follows them coming in to trouble and falling out. However, it doesn’t show the usual concepts of showing the relationship mainly happy in the trailer and actually reveals quite a bit of the plot of the film, which shows the film is the stereotypical romantic comedy. It also shows stereotypes amongst culture, based on Pakistani values of marrying someone from your own country and religion. It follows these strong stereotypes, of a disappointed family as the main character wants to break out of the social ‘norms’. The trailer also tries to break the stereotypes by bringing in this American Girl. They utilised these stereotypes by making it relatable to smaller minorities but also using comedy to appeal to all people.

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight trailer creates a lot of suspense through the use of loud, fast paced music, which is popular in action films as it creates a tense mood.  The Dark Knight trailer doesn’t actually reveal a lot about the plot of the film which goes against the usual concepts of a trailer, which is usually to give the audience an idea of the plot. However, the film was so highly anticipated that Warner Bros. could use this trailer just to introduce the new and updated cast. The film follows usual stereotypes, for example the Joker attacking women, playing on the usual stereotype of women being the weaker sex and being the damsel in distress.  Also showing Batman, as a strong man, who has a lot of money and power by showing him in his fast cars and large apartment. As well as showing , an elderly British man being the ‘brains’ behind helping Batman, following the stereotypes that men are the more intelligent sex as well as the elderly being intelligent.


Deadpool doesn’t follow the traditional conventions of a trailer as it uses happy music in tense situations to create an uneasy mood. They use a lot of dark, humour throughout the trailer from the main character, played by Ryan Reynolds, this shows a super hero being shown in a different ways as superheroes are usually shown in a very serious light and with a lack of humour, this is one of the main reasons Deadpool was so popular and anticipated. It shows him with a sverly damaged face, which goes against stereotypes that all actors are beautiful and attractive. However, it does also sexualise women by using nudity in the trailer as this is known to attract a male audience, known as the Male Gaze.
Image result for film trailer


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