Audience Feedback Analysis

From our Audience feedback, we have agreed that we need to change a few things such as with the title page on screen graphics need to be changed so that the name of the film is clear. We shall use large and engaging graphics which will add interest to our film trailer. These graphics will include our strapline, some reviews of our film, the films ratings and distributors logo. We are also going to change. They think that we need to change the casting  to a more well known cast however  we wont be changing it as we like our casting choices and we believe that they fit well with our genre of thriller and the actors we have chosen reach our target audience and follow our USP. They also said we should change our tagline , which we are going to do as we don't believe that it is strong enough and we think it needs to be a more significant and memorable tagline to draw attention to our film. The audience feedback was important as it is useful to hear what other people outside the group think. Overall, they liked most of our presentation and plan for our trailer but there are certain things we need to do to achieve the ideal feedback from our target audience, who are the most important people to please.


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