Location, Actors, Props and Costume Choices

For our trailer we want to film at a house for the clips of Clarissa writing her diary and for the clips of her just doing stuff around the house. We shall use Alex's house as we believe it fits with the mysterious vibe which we are trying to go for, we will use her bedroom which shall have dark lighting to create a eerie feel. We are using her bedroom as she is a also a teenage girl so it makes sense as it will look realistic to Clarissa's character. We will film a lot of the clips at school as well as that is where the characters would be spending a lot of their time, we shall capture scenes in the common room as this shows the school environment and will show how school is apart of their everyday lives which sets the scene for what sort of  characters they are. . We will also film the more intense clips of when she goes insane in the woods, as woods are always associate with being mysterious and scary . We will film some of these clips at night as this goes with the typical conventions of it creating an atmosphere. Other clips which we will use as filler clips will be filmed in areas such as pathways and alley ways to show more of her going about her daily life. We will have to use  variety of different locations to make the film look realistic of a teenage girls life and to also give the film variety, however we will not use to many different locations as this may cause issues with getting access to these locations as well as this we want the audience to become familiar with these locations to get an understanding of the character.
The actors which we are going to use are, our friends Clarissa and Charlie. We choose them as they are both confident and are comfortable in front of a camera so we thought they would be great for the trailer. Clarissa character is the strong female lead who goes against the usual film conventions and stereotypes of a damsel in distress. Clarissa is representing the actress Amandla Stenburg and I believe that Clarissa fits this character description perfectly. By using her as an actor we believe she fits this role well as it suits her personality well as she is loud and does a lot of drama work so can portray intense emotion well which is a very important trait for Clarissa as a character. Charlie as well is a very confident and strong character so we believe he fits the role perfectly, however in the film he will be shown more vulnerable as well as dangerous so his confidence will need to be used in these ways as well, he fits the typical conventions for a teenage boy and with our film being a blockbuster his supposed actor who is Dylan O'Brien will be a well known who will therefore be one of the USP to our films so its important that Charlie fits this character well. We will just use other people as extras who wont have lines, as Charlie and Clarissa are the main characters.
Image result for dylan obrienImage result for amandla stenberg

For their costumes, Clarissa will just wear everyday clothes as we want her to seem like a realistic teenager. She will wear jeans and tops which fit her personality of having a strong minded and individual character as she does not follow the typical conventions of dressing provocatively to appease to the Male Gaze. Her clothing will be a reflection of her personality and therefore  we shall keep it simple but make sure it adds to her character through personal touches  Charlie will also just wear his normal clothes, which are typical of a teenage boy for most the scenes apart from the scenes where he is acting as a stalker, where he will wear dark clothing to look scary. We will use dark and larger clothing to make him appear as big and terrifying towards Clarissa. This clothing is important as it differentiates between 'normal' Charlie and ' stalker' Charlie'.
Props will shall use are phones, to show the texts between them and we will just use our own phones. Using phones follows the typical stereotypes that young people rely on their phones but it also shows how modern day the film is being by using technology. We shall also use a laptop to show social media as that too plays a big role in todays society, especially with young people who we are focusing on. We are going to use a larger knife as a weapon during one of the scenes for dramatic effect as this will create a feeling of fear, we shall get this from one of our homes.
Image result for machete


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