The Big Sick Marketing Campaign

The Big Sick is an Independent film based on a true story about two strangers falling in love. The film was distributed by FilmNation Entertainment an Independent Company.The film used the main ordinary marketing techniques such as posters, a trailer and social media. Paid ads on Twitter were run in the wake of the debut of the first trailer that used that trailer to spread the word and raise awareness. Other online ads used variations on the key art of the cast to highlight Nanjiani and Kazan while also showing the rest of the cast. The film originally debuted at The Sundance Film Festival, a place where indie films are debuted without the need for any large ways of advertising. ' The Big Sick' was received very well at the Festival and was offered to be distributed by many organisations including Amazon. It was said to have been one of the most successful films to come from the festival. Amazon gave the film a theatrical release, with TV trailers and a large advertising campaign on social media. Compared to before when one of its main ways of advertising was through a main website and word of mouth. Kumail Nanjiana, the writer and main character of the film had previous TV experience meaning that there would be a USP of those who enjoyed his comedy.
Image result for the big sick film poster


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